
Showing posts from July, 2020

Quest for higher return - stock market

Since time immemorial most of the kings or emperors wanted to increase their power and area of influence. This led to small battles or full fledged wars to loot or to acquire the territory of neighbors and forcibly takeover their livestock or wealth etc. War has always been costly affair and for that kings had to increase the taxes on its citizen which used to deteriorate the living standard of common man and people living in extreme poverty leading to discontent.   Moving to 16th and 17th century, new class of Europeans merchants started trading with distant countries which were not sharing border with them. There were trade routes between Europe and Americas & Asia and to increase their profits they planned to control the produce in other continents which required military power and money to fund those military expedition. Rich people in Europe funded these but not through taxes but they gave it voluntary in lieu of profits. Companies like East India Company were part of this

What we Indians should be doing to achieve our potential

In hindi movie "Mission Mangal" actor Akshay Kumar speaks about the Indians at the top of corporate ladder in US. Be in Sundar Pichai of Google, or Satya Nadella of Microsoft or India Nooyi of Pepsico etc. There are many more Indians who have reached to pinnacle in their fields be it Amartaya Sen for economics or HarGobind Khorana in biochemistry but mostly out of India. It is not that Individuals in India didn't achieve anything, Raman got Raman effect on his name, Aryabhatta got Zero and there are more such names but they achieved much more when they were living and working outside India and we Indians didn't do justice to our potential. I wonder what makes Indians to shine outside and covered with dirt while staying India. I can't doubt our brilliance and issue can't be with individual it has to be collective systematic failure.  Many centuries or millennial back, when the things were not complex, individual intelligence was probably enough for a society to