Peek into future and travelling into past

Way to look into future and visit our past

In everyone's life many a times one get curious to know what had happened to him or in general in the past or what is going to happen in the future. People say that with Yog or Sadhna one can do that. It might be possible but the logical mind doesn't accept it. Let us see if there is a scientific way  for future or past travel. 

Everyone must have heard and seen cloud thundering. The energy travel in two ways, one is thru sound waves and other is light wave. Speed of light is about 300,000,000 meter/sec while speed of sound is 343 meter/sec. That means that a person can see the event of thunder happening well before he can hear about it even though event has happened at the same time. If we have two friends sitting together and one is blind then the friend with vision can always predict the future and tell his blind friend well in advance that thunder is going to happen in few seconds which the blind friend will hear in few seconds and once blind friend gets the proof he would imagine that his friend can predict the future. From this we understand that key to know the event of thunder in advance w.r.t blind friend is faster propagation of light w.r.t. sound.

Let me take another example, as you know sun is so far from earth that it takes 500 seconds for the light to travel to earth. If some event has happened like solar flares then we would come to know about it only after 500 seconds. If we device a way to travel faster than light then we can go quickly towards sun  see the light from it and before the light reaches to earth we would know what we will observe later. For example, say i can travel 10 times faster than light then from Sun's surface to earth i will reach in 50 seconds and i can predict the future 450 seconds in advance. Hmm interesting isn't it?

On similar lines if i need to go back in past and learn what happened in past then i need to travel in the direction of waves. Lets take the example of thunder again. My son comes to me and he is very frightened. I need to calm him down but i need to know what has happened to him.  If i travel faster than sound waves and tune my receptors to minute sounds then i will learn that a thunder had struck which scared him off or i travel faster than light waves then i can see what had happened to him in his past.

One keeps on hearing that our scientist saw birth of star which probably happened probably billions of years ago but they see it now, why? Because the light from its birth has reached to us just now.

Now to look into the future or peek into the past i just need to make a device which can travel faster than light and travel towards source or away from source. Isn't it simple? 

There is saying that the velocity of mind is far greater than light, just think of any place and you will be there in fraction of second. That means mind can be a vehicle which can be used to travel to farthest distances in quick time. That is wonderful it means everyone can travel and peek into future. Now the next question is what is required further for me to travel? Focus and energy, more we are focused lesser the energy required. This is like a transmitter, narrower the beam farther it can go in that direction. Next question that will come is how to focus and create our beam narrower. From our saints one way is to do the "Yog" and "Sadhna".  Keep doing sadhna and attain focus sharper than laser to look into future or visit your past. There might be more ways one can devise those.


  1. sir..Keep writing (Manpreet)

  2. Excellent analogy to look into future or travel back into past.


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